Premium online agency.

Launch your Digital Project within 3 Months

Ideation, Prototyping, Engineering

Too long to launch?

Typically, the implementation of complex digital solutions takes years to complete.

Since their requirements are intricate and demand the collaboration of numerous experts, such tasks often evolve into time-consuming endeavors.

What’s the alternative?

Through optimized workflows, we reach our goals faster while maintaining high quality and security.

The Process of epoint

We help you achieve your goals so you can focus on your core business without worries.

To do this, we create a clear roadmap and guarantee full transparency throughout the entire process. By keeping our processes consistently up-to-date, we have a continually expanding repertoire of tactics and tools.

As a result, we are able to shorten the 'time-to-market' significantly.

Working with us is easy.

Combining different professional perspectives provides valuable insights and the ability for a rapid and high quality execution.

Why our customers choose us

Reliable benefits of working with us

We launch digital solutions faster

By setting the 'time to market' constraint at the start of a project, we positively align all other components — such as budget, resources, and complexity.

This creates a clear, common goal that everyone at all levels can easily commit to.

Working with experienced and specialized people

We are able to assign a variety of specialists like Solution Architects, Designers, Engineers and Marketing Experts.

Combining different professional perspectives provides valuable insights and the ability for a rapid and high quality execution.

Deep understanding of business processes

We understand the gap between offline and online business processes and have a unique approach on improving them.

Our understanding allows us to align on business strategies and execute them on a digital level.

We know the industry

Our team conducted projects across multiple cultures and industries. We analyze, plan, design, engineer and roll out entire business solutions based on over 20 years of experience.

Our Service Packages


Your company needs to evolve? Based on your current status, we determine how a digital solution can contribute.

Workshop (15 - 25 days)


To explore the optimal solution, we build prototypes exclusively based on your business needs. This lays the foundation for solid expansion.

Workshop (25 - 70 days)


We develop sustainable technical systems based on your individual strategy. You will be equipped for a stable and scalable future, independent of external resources.

50 - 150 days for a MVP

All our services are customizable to meet each individual requirement.

Live within 3 Months

Our proven methodology and services will help you launch your MVP faster.

Live within 3 Months

Our proven methodology and services will help you launch your MVP faster.

We Build Systems, not just Applications

Our tech stack is usually based on a modern MACH stack (Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless)

see our technology partners:

Mobile first approach - our apps and platforms are build for the modern mobile user first.

Micro Services - isolate systems for a better reliability

Cloud native - AWS, Google Cloud, Telecom Cloud

Security through system isolation

Easy integration of external tools and services

Headless approach for more flexibility in the future

Ready for integration in your organizations IT infrastructure

our partners and alliances

Call us to launch your
digital project in 3 months

Strong alone, unbeatable together

Reliable benefits of working with us

On your side all the way and beyond

We work together with your team from the idea to Launch in a transparent and trustworthy way.

3 Weeks

Execution time

Frequently Asked Questions

The knowledge you need to get on track:

What is an MVP?

An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early users and provide feedback for future development. The main goal of an MVP is to quickly test the core functionality of a product idea with minimal resources and investment.

What means “time to market”?

Time to market refers to the period it takes for a product or service to move from the initial idea or concept stage to being available for sale to customers. It encompasses all the phases of product development, including design, production, testing, and launch. A shorter time to market can provide a significant advantage in rapidly evolving sectors like technology or fashion.

Why are clear goals and planning necessary?

Research from the Harvard Business Review suggests that one of the main reasons for project failure is the lack of a well-structured project plan. This affects up to 17% of large-scale IT projects to such an extent that the very existence of the entire company is put at risk.

How important is it to find compromises with (new) employees?

Insufficient internal expertise steers the outcomes of IT projects towards failure. Over 50% of all companies struggle significantly with a shortage of skilled workers, especially when it comes to integrating new solutions into existing IT infrastructure. Creating positive working conditions that address the needs of potential specialists helps close this gap.

How important is it to continuously train my employees?

Data from LinkedIn shows a global shortage of digital skills, with specific gaps in areas such as data analysis, digital marketing, and software and app development. Around 40% of all companies are affected by this, which hampers their ability to drive innovation and adapt to new technologies.